Communication guru, Wilson Leroy said communication is a social process in which
individuals employ symbols to establish and inteprete meanings in their environment. Is that so different fromthe adinkra symbol communicative language? Adinkra stands to convey a message and create a shared understanding.
Adinkra, which means goodbye in the Akan language was initiated and made popular by the asante people of Ghana. Adinkra can also mean departure in another sense.
During the 16th century where tribal wars were common, the Asantes defeated their neighbouring town. This town was made up of the Gyaaman clan of Begho who originally used the adinkra during funerals, and the symbols for royalty . The Gyaaman king was killed in the process whiles his robe was taken by Nana Osei Bonsu-Panyin, the Asante Hene (Asante king) as a trophy. The 'Adinkra aduro' (a special ink used in printing) was obtained from the robe.
The adinkra symbols are mostly used communicatively during religious activities like festivals, depicting the culture, philosophy, values and beliefs of the people.
“Nkra” in the word adinkra means message. Hence, the symbols were used to convey specific messages to people. In present days, the adinkra symbols are used in the clothing, architecture, wood and the art industries. Adinkra symbols are therefore effective communication tools in Ghana because they communicate visually to us.
The most well known adikra symbol in Ghana is the “Gye Nyame symbol”. This symbol means 'Except for God'. It is very important to note that during the 16th century people had the belief in God as the Supreme Being. This shows the religious nature of the people of Ghana. The symbol is an effective communication tool because in times, of crisis, the “Gye Nyame” symbol conveys a message of God’s supremacy over every situation. As a result of this, there is only one thing that comes in mind, “God’s Supremacy”.
In a peaceful return to something worthy, “Sankofa” symbol of a flamingo connotes learning from past experiences. “sankofa” means go back and get it. In the pre-colonial era, our forefather’s had effective cultural and traditional practices which differentiated them from others. It is therefore important to go back and revisit some of the useful customs and traditions that we have left behind as a result of civilization. The symbol has a simple message, Which is, it not a crime to revisit what one has left behind. Hence whether one can read or not, it is easier to interprete the symbol wherever it is seen. The sankofa symbol has a message of the importance of learning from the past. This is also the reason why history and other related disciplines are taught in schools. Seeing the symbol alone will make the individual engage in an intrapersonal communication (Communication within one’s self), assign meanings to it and eventually get a feedback which will answer a question. Therefore , adinkra symbols are effective in communication.
There is also the “Adinkrahene” symbol which means “chief of the adinkra symbols”. This symbol is a sign of greatness, charisma and leadership. In the olden days, Chiefs and warriors used this symbol to differentiate themselves from the ordinary citizen. It is made of a series of circles moving round one another. The Symbol was meant for Chiefs and warriors to show that they are leaders and also to command respect for them. The adinkrahene symbol shows the importance of playing leadership roles in one’s community. As a matter of fact, the adinkrahene symbol was the pacesetter for the designing of other adinkra symbols. Since symbols are important communication tools, one does not need to have interpretation before getting the intended messages they carry. The message this symbol carries is that of the importance of leaders playing their roles in any situation they may find themselves.
Another effective adinkra symbol used in non-verbal communication is the “funtunfunefu-denkyemfunefu”(siamese-crocrodile). The symbol simply means democracy and unity. In a democratic system there is the respect for individual opinion. As the saying goes “ In unity lies strength”, there is the need for human beings to be able to live in peaceful coexistence. Siamese crocodiles have one stomach but struggle for food. The message this symbol seeks to convey is the fact that infighting and ethnicity among people who have a common belonging to a state can be very dangerous. Hence as citizens of our beloved country Ghana, we must have respect for each other. This popular symbol reminds us to love one another instead of fighting among ourselves. It is only through democracy and unity that a nation can develop.
More so, there is also the “Denkyem” (crocodile) symbol which signifies adaptability. This symbol has a fundamental message which is, as human beings we should be able to cope or adapt to the community we find ourselves. Despite that the crocodile live in water, it comes out at times to breath the fresh air provided by nature. Therefore, the crocodile can live in both water and on land. This is the ability to adapt any situation that may come our way. For instance, in our lives, when good things happens to us, we accept. On the other hand we criticize everyone for an unfortunate incident. Taking one another seriously when they talk will help us adapt to any circumstance. A typical example is the use of the staff by the chief’s linguist as a symbol of adaptability.